Welcome | 29-30 September University College Cork

From the Forfas initiative and as part of the Strategy for Science Technology and Innovation this workshop will examine how digitality supports, augments, and acts
as a catalyst for the transformation of data into knowledge, which is at
the centre of humanist concerns. Other key issues include the
knowledge society, the public domain, scholarly publication, visualisation,
new modes of inquiry, and the infrastructural developments that emerge from
new technologies. It is connected with the Forfas research cluster on
Digital Cultures as well as with the new PhD program: Digital Arts and Humanities.
Over the two days there will be a combination of showcases, lectures
and discussion as part of the Research Month within the CACSSS.
On day 1( 29th Sept.), the “Gatherings” element of the Digital Cultures event
invites those already working on projects within the College with
collaboration from Engineering and Science, to showcase their research.

“Voyages” is the theme for day 2. Having gathered and taken stock of where we are,
“Voyages” projects a course into the terra incognita of Digital Culture research.
During the day we will look at emerging issues in digital cultures:-  the contribution of collaborative scholarly research to the knowledge society, the importance of open access to research publication for sharing research outputs, and the sustainabilty of digital projects.

Invited Speakers include:

Prof. Andrew Prescott

Dr. Graeme Earl

Dr. Julianne Nyhan

Dr. Alessio Assonotti

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